What We Do

Every team member in our company is a digital native, involved with the technology industry or IT media long before joining technikPR. This allows us to perform PR for our clients on a deep technical level. Leveraging our network. of media, influencers, opinion leaders, bloggers and Youtubers, we offer services ranging from classic product PR and sampling to audiovisual content production, social media strategies, marketing campaign management, and 24/7 access to our powerful backend tools.

Product PR

Our employees are former editors, industry insiders, marketing professionals, digital natives and gamers, with a deep understanding of the products and technology that your company designs and manufactures. Product PR is our second nature; because of this intimate knowledge, we can interest and inspire editors to use your product and achieve maximum results. We can educate them on your products, answer any technical questions they might have, or even proactively steer them towards the focus points that really matter to you.

Influencer Relations

With the rise of online media, forums and especial social media, it has become extremely important to ensure that you are noticed by influencers that are actually relevant to your brand and issue at hand. It’s our job to discover relevant influencers, listening to the conversations across social media, engaging and becoming a part of conversations between the community of influencers as a means to build relationships. We work with all sorts of influencers, from those with a large following to micro-influencers, reaching an audience that is relevant to your brand.

Editorial Services

Being former editors, we know all about content creation – it has been the bread and butter of our industry for years. The channels for distributing content keep changing and evolving, but the basic rules still apply – understand the audience, find out what they are interested in and create original material that informs, entertains or engages. Too much technical information can make your audience switch off, but so can too much marketing jargon. We know our audience through and through, so we’ll only provide you with top-class content


  • News releases
  • Technical articles
  • Review guides
  • Case studies
  • Byliners
  • White papers

Corporate Communications

Good press results should be used for corporate communications. Clippings and awards should be distributed to your employees and customers to increase your brand awareness, while high resolution awards should be included in the product descriptions at online shops. New coverage should be posted on your website and on social media channels.

We have automated this entire process for you, from the scheduled distribution of press newsletters to your sales contacts or employees to automated clipping or award feeds on the product pages of your website. Do you need the latest clippings on the spot? With a few mouse clicks in our 24/7 backend you can compile, adjust, and generate your own custom report.


  • Powerful online clipping database
  • Collect, organize and manage media echo
  • Real-time clipping report creation
  • Newsletter service (in your corporate identity)
  • Clipping integration API (website, RSS, social media)
  • Comprehensive analysis

Product Launches

Maximum visibility for your new product starts with a successful product launch. We have perfected the art of product launches. This allows us to set the ideal date for a global introduction, coordinate the launch with partners agencies, define a review NDA for editors, and work with product management to make sure all reviewers are sampled ahead of launch.

Between sampling and launch we work together with these editors to make sure they convey your story, as well as troubleshoot unforeseen circumstances, so these are resolved before the launch. After this first ‘wave’ of reviews we keep sampling smaller media and influencers to sustain product interest over a longer period of time. At the same time, we collect coverage and compile coverage reports as a tool for sales to push the product.


  • find perfect launch dates (no competitor launch or expo)
  • organize global NDAs for editors
  • organize launch events
  • match product type to media for optimal coverage
  • educate editors on product strengths and USPs
  • prevent early leaks
  • collect and compile coverage for sales support

Media Education

We educate the media on how your product was developed, what topology or components are used, and explain the manufacturing process. As part of media education, we can even write whitepapers, technical documents or review guides for your products. This high-level technical education will translate into more detailed and higher quality content in the media.

Event Organization

No matter if it’s a big press conference, an intimate product presentation, booth presence at a global expo, or an informal dinner party for media partners – we make the event a memorable occasion for you and your guests. We make sure that the location and scenario of the event support your goals and that the arrival and staying at the event would be as comfortable and pleasant for the participants as possible. We offer exciting out-of-box solutions, develop the scenario, coordinate the preparations and, if necessary, moderate the event. We even leverage our relationships with cooperating industry partners to maximize the attention to your event.

Social Media Management

This day and age, everyone is online, so it’s only logical that communication takes place online as well. Social media allows users to connect with each other and share parts of their lives. Brands can be a part of this, but they are at a disadvantage. Social media management is way more than posting cute animals and having fun online. Creating a meaningful community of interested consumers and loyal fans, get them to support you, and convert them into satisfied customers – that is the main goal of good social media management.

In order to be successful in social media, you need a bespoke strategy for your brand, with your target audience and your goals in mind. We will develop this strategy with you, educate you on how to implement this strategy, or even manage your social media channels for you.

Full Sample Management

technikPR can store and manage your entire sample stock. We ship with package tracking for clients and editors; when samples are returned, we make sure they are checked, updated and refurbished before they are put back in the sample stock. During the entire review process, the sample status can be checked online through our 24/7 backend. This enables full transparency.


  • Online sample management
  • Sample tracking with detailed status
  • Chronological view of sample status
  • Geographical view of sample status
  • Notification and confirmation functionality
  • Full transparency

Crisis Communication

It only takes the click of a button for information to find its way online. Whether this information is true or false is not as important anymore, and once shared, its ripple effects can be massive. Unjust media coverage, unhappy customers, disgruntled former employees, they all have the power to hurt a brand or company. There’s no guaranteed way to avoid such a communication crisis. What we can do is offer our services to identify potential crisis situations in advance, based on online monitoring and a strong relationship with the media.

In certain instances, there is no option to avoid a crisis. In such a case, we offer crisis PR to minimize or even avoid damage to your company’s reputation. We rely on our strong media relationships, skilful and streamlined communication, high approachability, and fast response times to help our clients 24/7 when it comes to an emergency, to make sure you regain the trust of the media, your consumers, and your partner companies.




Press releases




